Monday, October 12, 2009

the one who made me go hmmm

An old friend asked me out for dinner on sat night. Although I had no plans and was kinda bored myself, it was quite late, the weather was drizzly and my butt was heavy from inactivity during the fasting month (was holed up at home during the weekends baking cookies). So I ended up whining to him about how I wish he could fetch me and trying to psycho him to come over to my neighbourhood instead (to no avail). I noe, I must sound like a superbly spoilt brat to you now :P

At this point, he exclaimed, “macam mana la kau nak kawin macam ni?” Which translates to how are you gonna get married like this? What he meant was, he’s already asking me out and there I was, making excuses not to meet him.

Hmmm. Was this supposed to be a date?

Anyway, I asked him what’s there to do if we meet. Coz there was nothing good to catch at the movies, and it’s rather pointless to go out to town just to eat and then go back right?

His reply?
“We should go out and do something we haven’t done before. And we should just let things happen.”

Hmmm. Should let WHAT happen?

This is one guy I’ve known for about 3 years now, on a purely platonic basis. He’s sorta like my online punching bag… someone to complain and rant to when I’m not happy about something. It’s not like I’m bullying or using him, really! He’s just the perfect candidate coz HE’S got a lot of grouses of his own which he heaps on me. Without me realising it (no thanks to my goldfish-short term memory), I’ve unloaded to him about my family, work, exbfs, bad dates and the many awful days I went through over the years we’ve known each other.

For me, I just let off steam by typing whatever comes to my mind when I see him online. Also coz he’s always online no matter what time of day it is. Random thoughts, daily whingeing about everything and nothing in particular at times; things I never thought would see the light of day after that.

To my surprise, I realised recently that he remembers most of the stuff I’ve been telling him.
Of coz, there are the notable bad dates that he never fails to bring up (some are so bad, who could forget??). But there are also other details that I don’t recall ever telling him.

In recent weeks, he’s been telling me stuff that I told him before which made me go, “did I tell u that??” and “how the hell do you remember all these stuff that I told u eons ago??”

As I type this, I am recalling another convo we had a few weeks ago. I cant remember what we were talking about but it came to a point when he said that we never got to start anything coz we were always involved/interested in someone else at one point or another.

Cue my third hmmm moment. Start WHAT?

Then, just a few nights ago on msn, he started asking me weird questions. Like, would you invite me if u got married. When I replied yes, he said, “ok, so we’re in the friends zone.”

Next question: “Would you date me if I wasn’t an asshole?”

I never considered that an option and I told him as much. Jokingly, I said it’s also coz he will always be an asshole, so that probability is zero. Heh. He seemed contented with that answer, saying that it’s good to know where he stands hypothetically. So that was that.

Maybe I’m reading too much into this. Anyway, whatever la. All I know is that I just treat him as a friend. No other thoughts other than… say it all together now… hmmmmm.


  1. hehe. aww come on sparks at all? If he is willing to give it a shot... will you? ultimately its how comfortable you are with the idea. As they always say...Never say never. *winks*

  2. hehe... i've pretty much said to you what i wanted to say.

    had a feeling you're not reading too much into it but heh by now what you need to do is read your own mind and heart (really really thoroughly)

    one question... if you're online and you don't see him at all... do you miss him?

  3. random, im not gonna say never but its really just a notion that i didnt consider before. one cant jump from the friend's ship (ha ha geddit?) to more than that with just a proposal out of the blue rite?

    i guess true what wh said, i gotta think this crazy idea through.

    and wh, nope, not at all :) does tat say anything? hehe

  4. hmm you know... not all the time but sometimes interest is sparked AFTER knowing a person is interested in you. cos somehow after learning that he is paying attention to you... you sorta start to notice him more (in a different kind of way).

    so yea, don't need to rush with an answer... just see how things go.

    whatever it is you know i pray for the best for my hearties :)

  5. I have to agree with what wondering said.

    You also have to remember, sometimes we are so busy looking elsewhere, we can't see what is right in front of us! So don't brush him off just yet...who knows?

  6. i have been pondering the what-ifs these few days... so much so that my head hurts now. lol.

    well, i'll just take things one step at a time and deal with this when my head's all cleared up.

    will update when tat happens
