Tuesday, July 21, 2009

love advice from a man

was surfing around and stumbled upon this on dailycandy.com. the lone male editor of this online mag answers some of the most frequently asked qns we ladies ask...

Q: Brains or beauty? Really?
A: Say the following sentence aloud:

I met a guy last night, and he is sooo hot!

Now say this one:

I met a guy last night, and he is sooo smart!

Which one sounds more accurate?

barren: hey, i'd swoon over a smart guy too! single ones are rare species y'know...

Q: How do I move on after a breakup in the least painful way?
A: I’m not saying you should fool around with a bunch of men, but if your mom were to call up and advise you to fool around with a bunch of men, I’d say listen to your mother.

barren: ok, my momma would never say that. but i always say, the best way to get over a man is in the arms of another. rebound does work in some cases!

Q: How early can you sleep with a guy without being considered a whore?
A: 6 a.m.

Q: My boyfriend said he would prefer that I dress sluttier. He didn’t go in to detail. What exactly does he mean?
A: Assuming your boyfriend doesn’t want you to dress like a hooker, I would guess that by “sluttier,” he means sexier. Meaning, the next time you try something on and think, “I’m too old to wear this,” that is exactly what he wants you to wear. The next time he takes you on a date, surprise him with a short skirt, low-cut top, and a thesaurus.

Q: What does it mean when a guy doesn’t call you the next day after you spend the night with him for the first time?
A: It can mean any number of things: that he lost your phone number, that he was in a tragic skiing accident, or that the experience of being with you was so emotionally overwhelming that he needs an entire 24 hours to compose himself. But usually it means he’s too busy carving a notch in his bedpost to get to the phone.

barren: lol! one of the major failings of us girls is that we give the guy too much credit!

Q: My boyfriend treats me well, includes me in everything, and is a great guy. But after one year of dating, he refuses to tell me he loves me. I am starting to feel very insecure.
A: The use of the L-bomb is entirely subjective.

barren: a totally guy answer. tsk tsk.

Q: Are men truly intimidated by smart, successful women, or is that just something unattractive girls tell themselves to make them feel better about being single?
A: Let’s just say that there aren’t that many smart, successful, really friggin’ hot women filling up the singles mixers.

Q: Why do guys say, “I’ll call you,” when they know they have no intention of ever calling? Why don’t they have the balls to just say, “Had fun, but I don’t think we should do this again”?
A: For the same reason you say it’s no big deal when your boyfriend says a skirt doesn’t look good on you, when in reality you die a little inside. It’s just easier that way. Do yourself a favor and, when a guy leaves after saying he’ll call, automatically assume he gets hit by a truck. That way if he calls you, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

barren: mental note: remember to assume my date is dead if he doesnt call.

Q: Why is it that guys act attentive and then suddenly, without reason, disappear and become totally unreachable?
A: Sounds like you’ve fallen for the oldest trick in the book – it’s called dating. For weeks on end a man will be very nice to you (dinners, movies, midpriced wine) until he realizes he doesn’t like you after all, at which point he will vanish. Either that, or you’ve been unknowingly dating international spies.

barren: lotsa james bond wannabes in my dating list...

Q: My boyfriend and I just broke up. I want to start dating again, but most of my friends are partnered up, and I don’t go out to the bars a ton anymore. Any suggestions?
A: Do what most guys do: Treat every possible destination (the grocery store, public transportation, elevators) as a place to find love. Soon you’ll be so fed up that bars will be fun again.

Q: My ex-boyfriend drunk texts me at 2 a.m. saying he wants to meet up for drinks to celebrate his birthday. The next day I reply saying, “Sure let me know when and where.” But then he replies that he’s still recovering from too much birthday celebration. What gives?
A: I stopped reading at “the next day,” and I’m assuming he did, too.

Q: Does putting out on the first date pretty much guarantee that the relationship will never be anything serious?
A: No, but it does guarantee that everyone had a good time.

Q: Should you keep in contact with an ex-boyfriend after he breaks up with you?
A: Do you keep in touch with old bosses after they fire you?

barren: i do! for both the ex AND the bosses. lol

Q: Why can’t I find Mr. Right? I’m a single, attractive physician who just turned 30, and I can’t even seem to find a date, let alone make a relationship work! What on earth am I doing wrong?
A: First of all, stop talking about Twilight. We don’t understand it, nor do we want to. Second, stop looking for Mr. Right and just settle for Mr. Good in Bed or Mr. Does My Taxes or Mr. Cooks Me Dinner. It’s not lowering your standards; it’s raising your limitations.

barren: mr cooks me dinner sounds like a great potential candidate...


  1. Mr Massage Me: Shoulders, Back and Feet is top on my list. :P

    your entry reminded me of one of my 'materials'... hehe

  2. barren! reading this early in the morning cracks me up.(",)

  3. then put it to words b4 u forget!

    random, super early lor! good to noe we perked u up on this dreary, cold, rainy morning...

    my shoes are wet!!!

  4. itu early? I have to reach work by 7a.m. every morning. hehehe
