Friday, April 10, 2009

wonder : love is ...

wonder trigger:

m.c: my partner doesn't smell at all leh... even after exercising her sweat smells sweet. was telling her that even after she runs a few clicks, i can still kiss her armpits.
me: hahah! hmm... love is...


if you can't see, you're blind
if you can't hear, you're deaf
if you can't speak, you're mute

But what if you can't smell?
Hmm... thanks to google, I found the answer.


How weird. you wouldn't think "anosmic" was related to its one-syllable cousins "blind", "deaf" and "mute", would you? It certainly doesn't sound like it belongs. But oh well... anosmic it is.

So the next time you hear someone using the common phrase "Love is blind", you can try to impress them by adding, "Love is anosmic" too. Haha...

Although of course, don't count on the phrase to be as popular cos it's not as widely applicable as the former in the context of love.

I mean, can you imagine loving someone with body odour? How the hell can one ever smell pass that?


  1. well..let's put in that least that poor gal got hopes with a guy who is anosmic..

  2. eh actually i've met people who really do smell good even when they sweat. it's like they secrete perfumed sweat. lol. and i wasnt the only one who thought so... so maybe your fren's doesnt smell after all :)

  3. tickling: hahaha... *pauses and sniffs self... *continues to giggle

    barren: hmm... are these said people girls or guys?
