Thursday, September 17, 2009

hairy, hairy, quite contrary

I boarded the MRT earlier than usual today, mentally prepared for the selfish, annoying passengers amongst the rush hour crowd.

As expected, there were no empty seats. I stood holding a pole and looked around when my gaze landed on a head of hair a few steps in front of me.

Against the glass window, the head of hair glistened.
It was a lady’s head of hair. Her hair was long, oily and tied untidily, exposing unwashed scalp. I could see white specks of dandruff clearly from my view.

In my silent disgust, I wondered how anyone could neglect his or her personal hygiene. I was seriously appalled especially cos this was a lady!

I cruelly wondered if she could find herself a husband should she continue to walk around in that state. Would any man be attracted to her?

My eyes bore through silhouettes and I observed her t-shirt, her sleeve, her arm, her hand…

Hold it!

Her fingers were entwined in another person’s hand. My eyes shot up, trying to see the person standing next to her…

It was a man. Her boyfriend? Husband?

Well, her male partner's
head of hair wasn’t any better. It was dishevelled, exposing his scalp here and there, obviously unstyled from the moment he stepped out of bed. He didn't even look like he had showered.

They sure were made for each other.


  1. lol..opposite definitely don't attract in this case. But the terrible thing is, since both of them are like these, I don't think they see anything wrong with themselves looking like that. Just hope that next time their kids won't inherit this..haha

  2. i totally agree with you about them being blind to their own grossness. and they didn't look poor at all (based on their dressing)


  3. So there really is someone out there for everyone...perhaps the disgusting sight is actually hope in disguise?

  4. jaded, you've captured perfectly what I had hoped to share :)

    actually, shortly after, while changing trains, I smelled the odour of unwashed scalp. I assumed it was the couple but was shocked to see another person. A lady, dressed normally but her hair wasn't combed and there were pockets of areas 'airing' her scalp.

    she was alone. but this time I didn't wonder if she could ever find someone. cos I think everyone can. some day, some how.

  5. such a ticklish entry.
    couples who were gg to entwined hands together in public tpt seriously need to ensure mirrors r installed in their houses
